Archives For November 30, 1999

Chasing Azrael: Gritty New Paranormal Mystery Series Raises Vital Awareness of Bipolar Disorder.

The ‘Deathly Insanity’ series uses gripping urban mystery and heaps of the paranormal to keep its readers on the edge of their seats. However, the series is also serving a vital dual-purpose by openly examining societal attitudes towards Bipolar Disorder and Depression. The first volume, ‘Chasing Azrael’, sees author Hazel Butler serve up the perfect start to what’s poised to be a best-selling series.

Chasing Azrael CoverWhen Andee Tilbrook’s husband died, her preoccupation with death turned to obsession. Thanks to her unique ability to commune with the dead, her husband remains all too close, yet never close enough. Mired in grief, she clings to James’s spirit, slowly losing touch with the world, her friends, and any desire to continue living.

But when her friend Josh becomes the target of Natalya, a jealous, capricious and violent Russian beauty, Andee somehow finds the strength to free herself from her misery long enough to help him. They soon discover that Natalya is wanted by the police for her involvement in a series of grisly murders, and Andee is dragged into the inquiry by the same man who investigated her own husband’s death.

Torn between new feelings for Josh and fear that he might be involved in the murders that seem to threaten anyone who comes close, Andee must face the realities of her life, her past, and her very nature—and do it all in time to save her own life.


About the Author:

Author Hazel Butler

Hazel Butler

Hazel is a twenty eight year old author, artist and archaeologist from Cheshire, England. She is currently in the final year of her PhD, which focuses on Gender Dynamics in Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Britain. She studied archaeology at The University of Manchester, then Bangor University, and spent two years doing corporate archaeology and research excavations, both in Britain and Austria. She has had papers published in international journals and online.

Since 2010, she has been working on Chasing Azrael, a Gothic Literary novel and the first in the Deathly Insanity Series, a set of Paranormal Mystery/Urban Fantasy novels with overlapping character and plot-lines. Although these novels have a strong supernatural element they also explore themes of mental health, in particular Bipolar Disorder, which Hazel herself has suffered from since her early teens.



I knew nothing but the rhythmic slap of my feet on wet tarmac. It was the only thing I could focus on, and my focus was slipping.

I’m still running, I thought fuzzily, I have to keep running.

The back of my skull throbbed. Thick, cloying blood oozed into my hair, mingling with the rain, cherry streams running down goose-pimpled flesh. One bare, frozen foot landed badly. I tripped, knee slamming into the kerb. A car hurtled by, horn howling at my presence in its path, the glaring lights of its eyes forcing my own shut. When I opened them again, I was transfixed by the sight of my arms, waxen and tinged red in the fading glare of tail lights. I watched intently as bloodied rain dripped down them and into the gutter.

James!” I screamed, but the night swallowed his name.

The injured leg dragged behind as I ran on, a dead weight, more blood now seeping between my numb toes. Rain pounded in my ears, the taste of blood biting at the back of my throat. Again I stumbled as more lights flashed in my eyes, stationary this time. Clustered before me stood a crowd of cars branded with words that should have offered comfort, but instead only confirmed my worst fears: Police, Paramedic. Squinting against the onslaught of headlights, I lurched past them. Voices added their cries to the night, but they were not my own, and they were not his, so I ignored them, the world twisting around me as my head grew ever lighter and the lights grew ever brighter.



Look out for CHASING AZRAEL from your favourite book retailer.

Did somebody say Free?

DebE —  January 30, 2014 — 4 Comments

Grimbold Books has gone cra-azy again, offering one of its titles for free… and this time it’s… it’s… MINE!

Giveaway BookYou read that right, HEALER’S TOUCH (digital editions) is once again FREE for a limited time (February).

Where can you get this FREE book from? All the usual places.

To be honest, I think the most helpful place to get it from is Amazon US (‘go the monopoly,’ she says with absolutely no enthusiasm whatsoever) because it would be awesome to get into the top 100 free books on there… maybe even the top 50… top 10? Maybe…

But you can also go to:

Otherwise… I guess I had better get back to whippin’ my muse into action on the next book.

On that, I feel the re-write is going well. Still question marks over my first chapter, but I have two options available to resolve that, so it’s well fixable. The rest… well, I’m getting more and more excited, which is a good thing after several months of “I can’t do this! I suck! Apparently I can write, but I just can’t do story! I suck! I suck! I suck!”


If you enjoyed this post, you can vote for it over at Springfree Family Times and help me win a trampoline for my family!! (Just picture me jumping on a trampoline – glee – yeah… now you wanna help me win, eh?)

In Your Arms Available NOW

Now, I’m normally more of a Fantasy-reader than a Romance-reader, but there is no doubt I like a good helping of Romance with my Fantasy. And, along with all that, I always find Merry Farmer‘s blog posts insightful and informative, and so I volunteered to be part of her Relase Day blog blits for IN YOUR ARMS, and review a copy…

This blog post includes a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card and e-book copy of In Your Arms! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway at the bottom of this post!

So, here is a little bit about the book:

About In Your Arms

In Your Arms Merry Farmer

Lily Singer has never belonged. Taken from her tribe as a child and raised in a white man’s school, she no longer has a place in either world. Teaching has become her life. When that life is threatened Continue Reading…

Heiress of Healing CoverA healer forbidden to heal, a princess forbidden to rule, a mage who can’t be trusted. And in the shadowlands, a long-forgotten foe, waiting for his time to come…

 Every generation, seven sons are born to the regent of the First Demesne, each of those sons destined to rule one of the seven walled cities. This generation, there are no septuplets. There are no sons.

 There’s only a single girl.

Forbidden by her father ever to heal again, Iminique Demascus nonetheless saves the newborn princess from a nameless evil. Born into a realm where the poor foment rebellion and the rich revile her as weak, the child is unwanted by both her parents and the people. Iminique becomes her sole protector, forced to ally herself with the wizard who tried to kill them both, a wizard who casts spells that should be impossible.

Meanwhile, in the south, a young sorceress falls prey to an ancient enemy…

*  *  *

As a buddy of Ms. Lano’s, I’ve read a few (pre-publication) chapters of this book, and I’ve loved it so far. I’m looking forward to reading the rest (it’s near the top of my To Read list). It’s a substantial read at over 500 pages, so if you like your fantasy epic in scope, this may just be a tale for you.

You can find it on Amazon

Awkwardness… – #8Sunday

DebE —  June 23, 2013 — 14 Comments

So here I am again, sharing eight lines of WIP for the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday.

“Welcome” to new readers, and “Thanks for coming back” to returners.

Sorry to those who were looking for a little more explanation to last week’s entry. I’m going to have to remain tight-lipped on that one… too much spoilery information for HEALER’S TOUCH… But I love this bit, so I hope you will, too…

To set the scene for this one: Jonas and Llew have just attended a funeral for someone dear to them and have headed out for a walk to reflect. Jonas complimented Llew on her speech… and Llew brushes him off like so:


Llew reached the fence and turned to look Jonas up and down.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Well then, what you didn’t say, it was real nice.” He Continue Reading…

Oh my…

That is all I can say. Honestly, when I read reviews like this, it makes me wish I could read the book the way readers can.

Healer’s Touch is a mix of romance, steampunk and high fantasy done the right way and written in just the right kind of style. I have to say that this book has made me a fan of Deb E. Howell.

I have a fan (o: It’s exciting and scary all at once. I mean… RESPONSIBILITY! Argh! Right, back to falling back in love with WARRIOR’S TOUCH.

Read the rest of the review HERE.

Mood Killer – #8Sunday

DebE —  April 14, 2013 — 14 Comments

So here I am again, sharing eight lines of WIP for the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday.

This week, I’m actually carrying directly on from last week’s entry… If you recall, Jonas and Llew were getting a little bit cosy, and Jonas had just told Llew that should anything happen to her, he would heal her (which would result in him being drained) and she would be so grateful she’d make love to him immediately… He continues…

“I’m afraid I would be at your mercy, weak as I’d be. But I’ll forgive you.” Continue Reading…

What I’m reading

DebE —  April 9, 2013 — 2 Comments

I’m yet to decide if I’m organised enough to turn this into a regular feature, but I thought I would let you take a peak at what’s on my bookshelf… or rather, Kobo.

For this exercise today, I am going to use my Goodreads bookshelf as a reference… it has 10 books on it, we’ll see how we go… Continue Reading…

So, Healer’s Touch is currently up on Smashwords and Amazon’s Kindle (US/UK) for only 99US cents, or 77 UK p.

There’s really not much more I can say… I mean, those prices speak for themselves…

If you’re still not convinced, however Continue Reading…

Goodreads Giveaway

DebE —  February 10, 2013 — Leave a comment

So, as a sort of Celebration of the release of Healer’s Touch, my publisher, Kristell Ink, is letting me GIVE AWAY five (yep, 5!) copies of the paperback edition to Goodreads members. And, because I can, I’m going to sign them…

The giveaway will begin Wednesday 13th February and will run for 10 days, closing Friday 22nd. So, if you haven’t rushed out and bought a copy yet (and why not?!), or you just really, really want a signed copy (I’m sure you can find someone to pass your other one on to), then head on over to:


And sign up!

Winners are not obliged to, but are encouraged to leave a review (especially if they enjoy it!).