Archives For November 30, 1999

Shrouded Soul Kindle Cover

Shrouded Soul by Clare Davidson

Available now, to buy from Amazon US and UK, the latest release in the Hidden YA series by Clare Davidson, SHROUDED SOUL.

Keeping secrets. Telling lies. Kim is protecting everyone. Isn’t she?

Kim’s secrets are pushing Sophie away, whilst AJ’s fears are damaging their fledgling relationship. Kim tries to reassure him, but she knows he should be worried. He should be running. She keeps telling herself they can all have a normal life, free from the influence of the Baneem—but it’s the biggest lie of all.

The illusion Kim is clinging to is shattered when AJ vanishes. But he isn’t the only one put in danger by the information Kim is hiding. How can she defend everyone from enemies who keep growing stronger?

Shrouded Soul (Hidden: Book 3) is the penultimate book in the Hidden series. It is available for Kindle and in paperback.

“Davidson has done it again with Shrouded Soul! If you haven’t read her Hidden series, you are missing out.” Graham Austin-King

“Shrouded Soul is an intense read.” J.L. Mbewe

About the author:

Clare Davidson is a character driven fantasy writer, teacher and mother, from the UK. Clare was born in Northampton and lived in Malaysia for four and a half years as a child, before returning to the UK to settle in Leeds with her family. Whilst attending Lancaster University, Clare met her future husband. They now share their lives with their young daughter, their cats and Rukia the Finnish Lapphund.

Connect with Clare:

Mailing List


Book Release: The Adventures of Some Kid

The latest book from the author of The Changeling King, Noor A Jahangir, is coming out on 27th June 2014, in digital and print.

Adventures of Some Kid by Noor A Jahangir

ZACH CAAN isn’t a boy wizard, a super spy or a vampire’s assistant. He doesn’t have any super powers, martial arts training or cool gadgets. In fact there is nothing remarkable about him at all. He’s just some kid.

But when he boards Flight X4573, he embarks on the most unlikely adventure a person can experience in the twenty-first century. Pirates, lost tribes of Aztec warriors and mysterious islands are not usually part of his daily routine. and when it’s all over and his classmates read about him in the national newspapers, they will have great difficulty in believing that it actually happened to him.

You see, nothing ever really happens to Zach Caan. That is, until now.

Ebook available to pre-order now from Smashwords and your favourite eBook stores!!!

My Writing Process Blog Hop

DebE —  June 1, 2014 — 1 Comment

So, yet again, I’ve had several thoughts of possible blog post topics over the course of the week, and even had words flow through my mind that I could have shared. Just not when I had the time to sit down to do it. And when I had the time to sit down, my mind drew a blank… or, the passion was gone. And I’m not much good at topical blog posts when the passion is gone…

Thankfully, though, I was once again tagged in the “My Writing Process” blog hop by Kat Hawthorne and, since I’m onto a “new” project since last time, I thought I may as well. So now I have something to post!

I prefer doing personal posts to scheduled info-only posts… but I have limited writing time, so I tend to prefer to use that writing time to actually do writing of some sort. Excuses, always excuses.

Anyway… in the name of doing a more personal blog post, here is my writing process at this moment in time…

1. What are you currently working on?

I am currently “between books”, but they’re in the  same series so it’s not exactly down-time. Beta Readers are checking out WARRIOR’S TOUCH (the follow on from HEALER’S TOUCH) for me, and I’m pondering my plans for MAGICIAN’S TOUCH (the last of the series). I’m also considering Continue Reading…

Chasing Azrael: Gritty New Paranormal Mystery Series Raises Vital Awareness of Bipolar Disorder.

The ‘Deathly Insanity’ series uses gripping urban mystery and heaps of the paranormal to keep its readers on the edge of their seats. However, the series is also serving a vital dual-purpose by openly examining societal attitudes towards Bipolar Disorder and Depression. The first volume, ‘Chasing Azrael’, sees author Hazel Butler serve up the perfect start to what’s poised to be a best-selling series.

Chasing Azrael CoverWhen Andee Tilbrook’s husband died, her preoccupation with death turned to obsession. Thanks to her unique ability to commune with the dead, her husband remains all too close, yet never close enough. Mired in grief, she clings to James’s spirit, slowly losing touch with the world, her friends, and any desire to continue living.

But when her friend Josh becomes the target of Natalya, a jealous, capricious and violent Russian beauty, Andee somehow finds the strength to free herself from her misery long enough to help him. They soon discover that Natalya is wanted by the police for her involvement in a series of grisly murders, and Andee is dragged into the inquiry by the same man who investigated her own husband’s death.

Torn between new feelings for Josh and fear that he might be involved in the murders that seem to threaten anyone who comes close, Andee must face the realities of her life, her past, and her very nature—and do it all in time to save her own life.


About the Author:

Author Hazel Butler

Hazel Butler

Hazel is a twenty eight year old author, artist and archaeologist from Cheshire, England. She is currently in the final year of her PhD, which focuses on Gender Dynamics in Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Britain. She studied archaeology at The University of Manchester, then Bangor University, and spent two years doing corporate archaeology and research excavations, both in Britain and Austria. She has had papers published in international journals and online.

Since 2010, she has been working on Chasing Azrael, a Gothic Literary novel and the first in the Deathly Insanity Series, a set of Paranormal Mystery/Urban Fantasy novels with overlapping character and plot-lines. Although these novels have a strong supernatural element they also explore themes of mental health, in particular Bipolar Disorder, which Hazel herself has suffered from since her early teens.



I knew nothing but the rhythmic slap of my feet on wet tarmac. It was the only thing I could focus on, and my focus was slipping.

I’m still running, I thought fuzzily, I have to keep running.

The back of my skull throbbed. Thick, cloying blood oozed into my hair, mingling with the rain, cherry streams running down goose-pimpled flesh. One bare, frozen foot landed badly. I tripped, knee slamming into the kerb. A car hurtled by, horn howling at my presence in its path, the glaring lights of its eyes forcing my own shut. When I opened them again, I was transfixed by the sight of my arms, waxen and tinged red in the fading glare of tail lights. I watched intently as bloodied rain dripped down them and into the gutter.

James!” I screamed, but the night swallowed his name.

The injured leg dragged behind as I ran on, a dead weight, more blood now seeping between my numb toes. Rain pounded in my ears, the taste of blood biting at the back of my throat. Again I stumbled as more lights flashed in my eyes, stationary this time. Clustered before me stood a crowd of cars branded with words that should have offered comfort, but instead only confirmed my worst fears: Police, Paramedic. Squinting against the onslaught of headlights, I lurched past them. Voices added their cries to the night, but they were not my own, and they were not his, so I ignored them, the world twisting around me as my head grew ever lighter and the lights grew ever brighter.



Look out for CHASING AZRAEL from your favourite book retailer.

The Felinity Cover

Felinity – An Anthology by Kristell Ink

Felinity, noun, plural fel-in-ities. 1. The quality of being cat-like. 2. A divine being, a cat.

Grimbold Books is proud to present our first Kristell Inkling, a collection of feline inspired flash fiction stories written by authors from all around the world.
This collection celebrates what we regard as the most important factor when writing: write foremost for pleasure. The stories showcased in this book are full of laughter, grit, odd contraptions and a lot of fur, with a loud purring nod to our beloved genres of science fiction and fantasy.
From A.F.E Smith’s unique twist on Schrödinger’s cat, to Joel Cornah’s world-jumping old queen, from Clare Neilson’s steampunk creation to Tina Closser’s dragon fighting dreaming kitty, these alternate feline worlds are bound to delight sci fi/fantasy readers and cat lovers alike.


Sound interesting?

Sounds like the perfect coffee table book, right? Right?

Stay tuned… below is an interview with one of the FELINITY authors…


Where to buy:

Note: Prices are those set by Kristell Ink. Amazon has a tendency to play…


USA $5.49 UK £3.99

USA $2.99 UK £1.99

USA $2.99 UK £1.99 (Smashwords = all Ebook formats)


Meet the author: David Cohen

David is a member of the Dunedin Writers Workshop (of which I am currently President/Chair person), so when it was suggested that I interview one of the FELINITY authors, I eagerly took the chance to boost the signal of a local…

Take it away David…

David Cohen

David Cohen

Tell us about something that has just happened or is about to happen in your life that you would like to share.
I’m planning on doing some overseas travel to do some research for a book.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Yes I do, but what it turns into (Novella to series is all open) I’ll only know when the characters tell what they plan to do.

What books have influenced your writing? Continue Reading…

As part of my participation with the Blog Tour Group, Bandit Book Bloggers, here’s my post for Susan Finlay‘s book The Outsiders.

While Susan writes mystery and suspense rather than fantasy, I still think my blog readers might be interested in her work, since good fantasy includes some suspense & mystery, anyway!

So, here you go. I hope you find a new favourite book!


In the Shadows: An Outsiders Mystery is the first book in the new mystery series, The Outsiders.

There is a stranger amongst the residents of the cave-riddled village of Reynier, France. Suspicious, they believe there’s only one reason Maurelle Dupre would be lurking in their small village—she’s a gypsy, a thief. But a former Chicago detective turned mystery author, Dave Martin, who happens to be visiting his French grandmother, isn’t so sure about the beautiful stranger when happenstance causes them to meet. He wonders why she seems so frightened and distrustful. He knows he shouldn’t get involved. The last time he trusted a woman in distress, the consequences resulted in the loss of his detective’s shield and his wife. But, as always, the detective in him can’t seem to leave well enough alone. However, what Dave couldn’t know is how persuading Maurelle to reveal herself will ultimately unveil something far worse than mere theft.

In the Shadows is a story of trust, belonging, and murder.


Buy from:

Amazon US

Amazon Germany

 Add it on Goodreads

I was tagged twice in the same week (same day) for the My Writing Process Blog Tour, so, I have both Zoe Harris and Clare Davidson to thank and introduce you to (if you haven’t come across these lovely ladies already).

Zoe is an Australian now living in Bærum ( just outside Oslo), Norway. Zoe makes up one half of Grimbold Books, and is the driving force behind Tenebris Books. She also writes her own fiction, and will be my editor when I submit WT to Kristell Ink… Phew!

Clare is a mother, wife, teacher and writer, based in Lancaster, England. She first published the fantasy novel Trinity in 2012, before going on to work on her YA Paranormal series Hidden. The first two books in the series, Reaper’s Rhythm and Broken Bargain are available now.


The next part involves me answering a few questions:

What am I working on?

Well… I’m still working on Warrior’s Touch at the moment, although, I am in the final stages.

WT is the sequel to Healer’s Touch, which was released early in 2013 and enjoyed a quiet first year in the market. Then Kristell Ink did a promo in February this year and, well, it’s done quite well. So, yes, people are waiting on WT. I’m working on it!

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Probably the easiest way to answer this is to look at what my work is like… Continue Reading…

Acts of Violence by Ross Harrison coverMy name’s Jack Mason. I made a mistake. Took home the wrong girl. Now she’s dead. Cut up. And they’re telling me I did it.

It’s the same cop that tried to take me down ten years ago. Now he’s coming at me hard. And he’s not the only one. Cole Webster, the city’s crime lord, thinks I stole from him. Broke me out of custody just to ask me about it. Then I killed his son. Now he really wants me.

Add to this equation a government agent, and I’m a real popular guy right now. Pretty much everyone I meet wants me dead, lawfully or otherwise. There’s nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. I’ve got till morning to uncover Webster’s trafficking operation and take the heat off me. And all I’ve got to go on is a pissed off homeless girl with a thirst for revenge.

Guess it could be worse. Can’t quite figure how.

– – – – – – – – –

Acts of Violence is available in all e-formats for £1.99 or $3.20.

Kindle UK:
Kindle US:

– – – – – – – – –

About the Author:

Ross Harrison has been writing since childhood without thought of publication. When the idea was planted by his grandmother to do so, it grew rapidly, and after a bumpy ten years or so, here sits the fruit. Ross lives on the UK/Eire border in Ireland, hoping the rain will help his hair grow back.


Broken Bargain Pre-release Blog Tour Banner

***NEWS: The winner of the $5 Amazon Gift Card I was giving away yesterday was Rose Lennart. I’ll be in touch with you soon!***

I have the privilege of hosting Jenny Keller Ford for an interview as part of Clare Davidson’s Broken Bargain Pre-release Blog Tour.

(Note: There’s a RAFFLECOPTER giveaway, too… see bottom of post)

Enjoy getting to know Jenny…

Hi Deb,

How are you? I really want to say thank you for having me today to talk to your readers.

 What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?

 One More Day Book CoverMy most recent published short story is a YA piece titled Dragon Flight and it appears in the ONE MORE DAY anthology. It’s about a girl who is terrified of heights who gets stranded 300-feet in the air atop the rollercoaster, Dragon Flight. Time stops, everyone around, including her crush, freezes and she is the only one who can set the world right again…which means she has to get off the coaster. What she decides to do and what she learns along the way is pretty twisted, much like Dragon Flight.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?

 I am currently writing a YA fantasy series, The Chronicles of Fallhollow. The first novel is Continue Reading…

Artificial Absolutes by Mary FanJane Colt is just another recent college grad working as an Interstellar Confederation office drone—until the day she witnesses her best friend, Adam, kidnapped by a mysterious criminal. An extensive cover-up thwarts her efforts to report the crime, shaking her trust in the authorities. Only her older brother, Devin, believes her account.

Devin hopes to leave behind his violent past and find peace in a marriage to the woman he loves. That hope shatters when he discovers a shocking secret that causes him to be framed for murder.

With little more than a cocky attitude, Jane leaves everything she knows to flee with Devin, racing throughthe most lawless corners of the galaxy as she searches for Adam and proof of her brother’s innocence. Her journey uncovers truths about both of them, leading her to wonder just how much she doesn’t know about the people she loves. Continue Reading…