Archives For November 30, 1999

Those who have followed me for some time will know that I based Jonas’ horse, Chino, on my very own mini horse… Chino.

Looking gorgeous! I just adore this photo.

Looking gorgeous! I just adore this photo.

That’s him in his full-colour glory.

Now I want to introduce you to my inspiration for Llew’s Amico. I don’t know his real name. If I’d had a place to keep two horses, I would have done a little research into acquiring him, too.



What this photo doesn’t show is the tiny spot of chestnut on his shoulder. That sold him to me, I gotta say (if I’d had a home for him).

Of course, the fictional Chino is much taller and has a military background, & Amico has a history of carrying highwaymen. But having such a strong image in mind has helped me give both horses their own personalities in the books, even though they are clearly minor characters.

Both horses raised their heads as the pair approached the fence. Chino nickered, snorted and took a tentative step towards them before Amico rounded him up, threatening to nip his legs, and led him in a chase away from the couple.

Jonas and Llew grinned at each other to see the bold hack leading the warhorse in play.

Personally, I struggle to say my human characters look just like real people (horses are easier in that regard), but I think this is a great example of how character research can help us with our writing.

What about you guys? Do you keep photos of what your characters look like in your writing files?  Only human? Or animals, too?

Awkwardness… – #8Sunday

DebE —  June 23, 2013 — 14 Comments

So here I am again, sharing eight lines of WIP for the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday.

“Welcome” to new readers, and “Thanks for coming back” to returners.

Sorry to those who were looking for a little more explanation to last week’s entry. I’m going to have to remain tight-lipped on that one… too much spoilery information for HEALER’S TOUCH… But I love this bit, so I hope you will, too…

To set the scene for this one: Jonas and Llew have just attended a funeral for someone dear to them and have headed out for a walk to reflect. Jonas complimented Llew on her speech… and Llew brushes him off like so:


Llew reached the fence and turned to look Jonas up and down.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Well then, what you didn’t say, it was real nice.” He Continue Reading…

Mood Killer – #8Sunday

DebE —  April 14, 2013 — 14 Comments

So here I am again, sharing eight lines of WIP for the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday.

This week, I’m actually carrying directly on from last week’s entry… If you recall, Jonas and Llew were getting a little bit cosy, and Jonas had just told Llew that should anything happen to her, he would heal her (which would result in him being drained) and she would be so grateful she’d make love to him immediately… He continues…

“I’m afraid I would be at your mercy, weak as I’d be. But I’ll forgive you.” Continue Reading…

Yummy – #8Sunday

DebE —  April 7, 2013 — 9 Comments

So here I am again, sharing eight lines of WIP for the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday.

As always, trying not to be too spoilery…

Here’s a little by-line that should give you a clue about what’s going on here…  Llew has a gift. Her body heals itself from any injury – but at a cost to anyone she touches.

“I mean, what would you do if something happened to me right here, right now?”

“First of all,” he said, pausing to Continue Reading…

So, Healer’s Touch is currently up on Smashwords and Amazon’s Kindle (US/UK) for only 99US cents, or 77 UK p.

There’s really not much more I can say… I mean, those prices speak for themselves…

If you’re still not convinced, however Continue Reading…

Hey all.

I’m not sure how many of these I’ll do (especially with the WIP), but I felt like sharing this little bit and the Weekend Writing Warriors’ #8Sunday is the perfect place to do it, I think. And really, how appropriate, considering my WIP is titled Warrior’s Touch, to follow on from the already released Healer’s Touch… See what I’m doing there? Yep, I’m shifting focus.

Anyway, I’m going to try not to be too spoilery, so I’ll let the sentences speak for themselves… If they don’t work out of context then, well, um… yeah…

“You sick—.” Jonas stood.

Braph was out of his chair in an instant, expanding the distance between Continue Reading…

Hey all! Giving Six Sentence Sunday another blast.

With Healer’s Touch on its way, I’m actually going to share six sentences from that… yay!

Here’s a brief explanation … Continue Reading…

Hey all! Giving Six Sentence Sunday another blast.

Again, I’d like to share some lines from my Work In Progress (1st draft), the tentatively titled Book 2 of the “Touch” series: Warrior’s Touch.

I’m trying to share tantilising text without giving too much away (especially with reference to the soon-to-be-released Healer’s Touch). Hopefully this doesn’t give too much away… Continue Reading…

Hey all! Giving Six Sentence Sunday another blast.

Anyway, with Healer’s Touch due to be released early next year, I thought I might work on garnering some interest.

A brief background: Llew’s friend’s employer was found dead, but when the law (Farries) captured him, he pointed the finger at Llew, sending them both to the hangman’s noose.

If you trusted them, if you let your heart rest with them, they left, Continue Reading…

Hey all! Giving Six Sentence Sunday another blast.

Anyway, with Healer’s Touch due to be released early next year, I thought I might work on garnering some interest. Continue Reading…